3 Factors to Consider When Evaluating ERP Partners

If your company has been growing consistently for the past few years and your brand, products, and services are stronger than ever it may be time to take the next step and replace your legacy ERP solution.

The process of selecting an ERP platform that is right for your company can be intimidating, but when done with care it can support your organization for the next 7-10 years.

So how should you begin? Who can you trust to help you through this process long-term?

In this blog we will share the 3 factors we think are most important to consider when you start evaluating ERP partners for your new implementation.

1. Customer Service Mindset

When choosing an implementation partner, it is important they are focused on what is best for your business, not just what will make them the most money.

When talking to a potential implementation partner you should have these questions in mind:

  • Is the account executive really listening to my objectives and success criteria?
  • Do I feel a high level of trust and comfort when discussing our mission critical business processes?
  • Are the resources I work with during the sales cycle the same resources assigned to my project?
  • Do they keep their commitments when promising a deliverable or action item?
  • Are they genuinely excited to work with our team?
  • What’s the partners’ game-plan to support my company after the project go-live?

2. Experience

It’s important when you discuss your business with an implementation partner that they understand what you’re talking about. Working with a partner who has experience with successful ERP implementations in your industry removes the stress that miscommunication can bring to an already stressful process.

A knowledgeable partner can make best practice recommendations that can improve your bottom line and help you achieve your objectives. Remember, the main goal of choosing a partner is to achieve your business objectives.

Consider the following questions:

  • Can my ERP partner provide 2-3 references in my industry?
  • Do they understand my industry business trends and best practices?
  • Can they tell me what solutions other companies in my industry are using?
  • Are they recommending ways for our organization to improve based on best practices?
  • Are they effectively describing what a successful implementation looks like from initial project kick-off meeting to go-live?

3. Trust

Perhaps the most important area to consider when choosing the right partner is trust. While trusting a partner with your initial phase I ERP implementation is important, having a relationship with them that you can rely on for a decade or more is invaluable.

When deciding if your potential partner is someone who will value your trust in the long term consider:

  • Do you have direct access to the CEO and any C-level resources within your ERP partner’s organization?
  • Is the partner's focus on making my organization successful, or are they interested in selling me something?
  • Are they willing to withdraw from my ERP selection process if it’s in the best interest of my company?
  • Will they pick up the phone at midnight if my system is down?

Before you decide on what ERP solution is right for you, create a solid foundation for your project’s success by making the right choice of WHO to partner with.

Informed Systems, Inc. has the experience and expertise to make your project succeed. Contact us today for more information or to get started!

This post originally appeared on ERP Software Blog.