by Randy Goldstein | accounting, Blog, business solutions, Dynamics GP, Microsoft, small business
As the business evolves, so, too, do the roles for CFOs. When asked which areas are most important for increasing finance officers’ contributions to their companies’ success, respondents chose a deeper external knowledge of industries and markets, as well as a...
by Randy Goldstein | accounting, Blog, business solutions, Dynamics GP, Microsoft, small business
The most important information that exists is “your data.” Timely and meaningful information is the foundation for effective functioning of any organization. Given the critical role that financial statements play, it is imperative that efforts are made to improve...
by Randy Goldstein | accounting, Blog, business solutions, Dynamics GP, ERP, Microsoft, small business
Expanded Workflow Functionality Expanded workflow functionality helps streamline financial, purchasing, sales, payroll, and project expense related approvals. Therefore, these new workflow features allow customers to quickly customize their solutions and accelerate...
by Randy Goldstein | accounting, Blog, business solutions, Dynamics GP, ERP, Microsoft
If your company has been growing consistently for the past few years and your brand, products, and services are stronger than ever it may be time to take the next step and replace your legacy ERP solution. The process of selecting an ERP platform that is right for...